
From PHENOM Portal Knowledgebase
Revision as of 07:47, 12 August 2022 by Chris (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Info|heading=This Observable has been deprecated. | 1=The Shared Data Model subcommittee determined that TimeOfDay is not sufficiently distinct from CalendarTime. Both represent the same concept. TimeOfDay implicitly assumes the frame of reference to be a single day. This must be explicit when using CalendarTime.}} [DEPRECATED] Instant within a calendar day. Recommend using CalendarTime (EAID_6F2C6003_64FF_42a1_B4D1_00E34745B793) instead.")
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[DEPRECATED] Instant within a calendar day. Recommend using CalendarTime (EAID_6F2C6003_64FF_42a1_B4D1_00E34745B793) instead.