Within Data Model, the Import tab is where users can bulk import data into PHENOM. Model import using a .face file is available from the Projects and Models Management page.
Users can bulk import data into PHENOM using a properly formatted CSV file. The types of data the user can import are:
- View-Characteristic
- Enum-Literal
- Model-Content
- Constraints
- Message Data Model
- Platform Types
Phenom can add a set of placeholder model elements to help you in your modeling efforts. These model elements will be most useful when you are not completely sure what observable or entity best represents the semantic you are trying to document or what measurement best represents the one used by a particular interface. In these instances, you will be able to use or project to a placeholder, coming back later to revise your project.
The placeholders will include an Observable, a Measurement System, commonly used Measurements, and a placeholder entity.

In this example we are using the AcccelerationPlaceholderMeasurement.

When we're ready to revise the project, the placeholder usage will appear in the health check.
Merge External Model
Merge external model will inject nodes from a provided model file into the current project. If Overwrite is enabled, nodes that are present in both the source and the destination project but are different in the destination project will be edited to resemble the ones in the source model.