Review Project

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Review Projects 101

A Review Project in PHENOM is a temporary workspace created to show the user the outcome of a Push, Pull, or Approve before actual merging. This project provides unique tools to examine the proposed changes of a Push or Pull and enables users to modify their project without affecting the destination of the merge. The objectives of a Review Project are to:

  • Allow data modeling prior to finalizing the merge
  • Facilitate a thorough review of incoming changes
  • Provide additional pages to aid the review process

Review Project Management

To learn about the creation of Review Projects, view the Push, Pull, and Approve Process.

When in PHENOM > Manage Models > Projects, the user can view the Review Projects they have access to under the destination Project within the Project Tree. Expand the destination Project in the Project Tree, then expand the Review Projects folder.

To view the corresponding push/pull request for your Review Project, simply select the Review Project from the Project Tree. The user can also access the the related Review Project for a push/pull request either on the pull or on the approve page where the Review Project was initiated.

Review projects can be modified like standard projects but cannot be copied, published, or restructured (changing the Models). Additionally, the Push, Pull, and Approve pages are consolidated into the Review Tab when switched to a Review Project, which contains pages specific to the Review Project.

Project Locking

When initiating a Review Project from either the pull or approve page, users have the option to secure the destination Project by selecting 'Lock Current Project During Review'. This lock ensures that no changes can be made to the modeling content while it's under review. Once the merge is ready to be finalized, the Project lock must be removed to finalize the merge. Multiple Review Projects can exist simultaneously so it is important for the user to manage the single lock on the destination Project during review.

Note that while Project locking is optional, it is encouraged to use the Project lock to prevent external changes being made to the destination Project during review.

Review Project Specific Pages

Finalize Merge

The Finalize Merge page serves as a central hub where users can finalize their merge and review the changes they've selected, either from the initial Review Project creation or from updates made on the Update Review page. Users may create a Commit directly from the Finalize Merge page, allowing them to establish a safety net before accepting or rejecting changes, without having to visit the Commits page.

Accessed from a Review Project in PHENOM > Manage Models > Review > Finalize Merge, as seen below:

The 'Review Nodes' list connects each review change to its parent, as links, if available. This list lets users quickly access the change's details page to see the specific updates. Users can also view the review status from the Finalize Merge page, NavTree or the details page. For guidance on changing the review status of a change and or its children, please refer to the section on accepting, rejecting, & reviewing Changes.

Once users have altered the review status of proposed changes and other review project content, they can complete the merge process by clicking the 'Finalize Merge' button located in the top bar. Finalizing the merge will implement all pending and accepted changes, as well as any additional modifications made during the review process. Additionally the destination Project may be unlocked while finalizing the merge.

Below is an example of the finalize merge confirmation where there are pending changes and the destination project is locked. To proceed with the merge, the user should click 'Yes'. To review the remaining changes or make other edits, click 'No'.

If the destination Project isn't locked and has been altered during the review, a rebase will be required. Rebasing synchronizes the current review with the latest changes from the destination Project. After rebasing, the user can restart the process of finalizing the merge.


The Commits page lists each Commit point for the Review Project. Commits enable users to roll back the Review Project to a previous version, reflecting the model content as it was at the time the Commit was created.

Accessed from a Review Project in PHENOM > Manage Models > Review > Commit, as seen below:

When the Review Project is initiated, an initial Commit is always created. Additionally, the user can create a Commit at any time during the review from the Commit page or before rejection of review changes.

Users can rollback to any Commit at any time. It's crucial to understand that rolling back to a Commit will delete all subsequent Commits and revert any changes made after that Commit. To rollback to a Commit, simply select the desired Commit from the list, then click the 'Rollback To Commit' icon located in the top bar of the page:

Update Review

The Update Review page is very similar to the pull page found in the Push, Pull, and Approve Process. Users can select additional changes from the push/pull request that were not initially chosen during the creation of the Review Project. These changes can either be accepted or ignored.

Accessed from a Review Project in PHENOM > Manage Models > Review > Update Review, as seen below:

Here you will be prompted to select nodes from the tree on the left or from the Merge Summary. You may choose to ignore certain changes and accept others. Any changes accepted will overwrite your current version of those model elements.

Accepting, Rejecting, & Reviewing Changes

These actions are crucial for managing proposed review changes and are accessible from the Finalize Merge page or the details page of a proposed change.

Accepting Changes

All proposed changes are initially pending and cannot be edited until accepted. Accepting a pending change indicates it is ready for merging. Once accepted and edited, the proposed change may not be reverted back to pending. Please note that pending changes will be automatically accepted when finalizing the merge.

Click the check icon to accept changes:

Click the question mark icon to revert accepted changes back to pending:

Rejecting Changes

Rejecting a pending change will instantly restore it to its original state. Only changes that are still pending can be rejected. To safeguard against the irreversible nature of rejection, it is strongly advised to make a Commit before rejecting any changes.

Click the x-mark icon to reject changes:

Reviewing Changes

Reviewing a change with the 'Review of Proposed Changes' popup enables users to compare the original state with the current proposed modifications. Differences are highlighted in bold in the proposed changes column.

Click the magnifying glass icon to review changes:

Below is an example of reviewing proposed changes with edits.