View Attribute
A View Attribute can be also referred to as view characteristic or view field.
Creating & Editing View Attributes
To create a new View Attribute, click the "Create" button in the Attributes section of a View details page:
A View Attribute must have:
- A unique and conformant name
- An Observable
- A Measurement
- A path
The attribute's name must consist of letters, numbers, or underscores and start with a letter.
= Observable/Measurement
The user can either start by selecting an Observable and then the Measurement - the Measurement list will be filtered to the Measurements realizing the selected Observable - or select the Measurement first which will automatically select the Observable the Measurement realizes.
Once the Measurement is selected, the user needs to choose the attribute's primitive (this is later used to assert a Platform Type).
To add a path to the attribute, the user must add a semantic path using the path builder. The path is built hop by hop, starting with the entity/association attribute typing the selected observable.
Each hop must be committed by clicking the checkmark before being able to move to the next. A hop can be removed by clicking the x next to the new hop box.
After committing a hop, if there are additional hops you can make, they will appear in the clickable list, otherwise the text "No Possible Options" will appear. Additionally, the path you're creating will render directly below Path.
Saving Once you've set all of the above required fields, click the Save button on the bottom right corner. If the characteristic saved, you should get a green popup stating it was saved successfully:
Creating a Nesting View Attribute
A nesting view field can either be a "Foreign Reference" or a "Privately Scoped" attribute.
The attribute is marked as "privately scoped" when the checkbox is checked. The attribute is marked as "foreign reference" when the checkbox is unchecked. New nesting view fields will default to foreign reference.
Creating a nesting view field:
The nesting view field must point to a view with a uniform projected characteristic. The foreign referenced nesting view field's uniform projected characteristic must match the type of the last hop of the perspective path used by any field that nests it. Fill in the desired fields and click save when finished.
Creating a nesting view field within a Composite View:
When switching from Nesting to a Composite View. The Path/Perspective attribute and the Private attribute is cleared on save.